Get rid of Unwanted Facial Hair and get GLOWING skin at Home

Get rid of Unwanted Facial Hair and get GLOWING skin

We all have facial hair on forehead, cheeks and chin and upper lips but that depends from 

individual to individual. For some the facial hairs can be just normal while some they are 

dark and thick. For men, these facial hair look okay but for women these facial hair makes 

the skin look darker and patchy. Dark facial hair will make the skin complexion appear 

slightly darker and patchy. We have noticed that women would like to get rid of the upper lip

 hair the most as they look prominent and like a faint mustache.

Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair

This is why most of us will bleach the unwanted facial hair. Many girls will go for waxing,
 bleaching or even threading to remove the upper lip hair completely. Bleaching is used to
hide the unwanted hair on the face. Many women would use hair removal creams as well to
 get rid of the unwanted facial hair. So, what exactly can we do to get rid of the facial hair.
 Here we at Rose Beuty Tips will share the best natural remedies for the facial hair removal.


Take one bowl and add 2 Tablespoon of  Besan flour 
Add 2 teaspoon of raw milk 
Add 1 tablespoon of milk cream 
Add 3/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder


  1.  Mix well them smooth consists
  2. Take this paste and then apply on the face like on the cheeks, lower lip, upper lip and forehead.
  3. Keep this besan and turmeric paste on the face for around 20 minutes.
  4. Wet your hands with some water and then scrub this dried paste off the face.
  5. This paste will be dry and hence when you scrub this, it makes the hair strands lighter and thinner.

    DO this weekly twice will get best results.

Benefits of Besan flour:

 * Besan flour removes dirt and toxins from the deeper layer of the skin to enhance the 
 natural glow 

*Besan is really useful as a tan removal agent when applied to skin.

Benefits of Raw milk:

*Lactic acid present in raw milk is excellent for skin lightening and relive sunburn.

*Raw milk is rich in saturated fats that are a great way to relieve dry, itchy skin.

*It acts an instant moisturizer, softening your skin even as it moisturizes and 
 nourishes it.

Benefits of Milk cream:

*Milk cream is loaded with minerals and lactic acid which enhances the complexion, makes

 the  dry and rough skin smoother, deeply nourish the skin and also improves the skin


*Cream milk has smooth textures and it also can soften your skin.

*Skin for softening skin could be your concern.

Benefits of Turmeric powder:

*Turmeric powder is naturally rid of facial hair and get skin lighten & whiten

*The anti-inflammatory qualities can target your pores and calm the skin.

*Turmeric is also known to reduce scarring.
