How to remove suntan from face at home

      How to remove suntan from face at home

When the summers arrive you’re faced with a dilemma. That’s because the summers are for being outdoors but you’re worried for your skin. One is because of its propensity to tanning and two is because you know that chemical bleaching can hurt your skin more than help it. So what is the solution to this dilemma? Simple, read our top tips to remove tan naturally.

STEP 1: Scrub

Take sugar 1 table spoon. And take half lemon. take juice and put into the sugar. Now nix them well.

This is natural scrub. It is use to remove sun tan from our face.

We saw in previous step to prepare natural scrub. Now am going to explain the how to apply this scrub in my face.

Take enough sugar scrub and gently apply into the face. Do massage 5 to 6 minutes. It will remove unwanted pollution and dust from your face.

Benefits of  Sugar:

Sugar's natural humectants properties can strip skin of natural oils.

Benefits of Lemon:

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid can help brighten and lighten your skin.

STEP 2: Facial Pack 1

The next step am going to prepare facial pack naturally. All the ingredients are very natural products.

For the making of facial pack we are going to take plain yogurt 2 table spoon. And also add 1 pinch of turmeric powder.

Mix them well until get a cream form. It is very useful to make your face bright and clean. Also it make your face very healthy. 

In order to apply the face pack you have to clean your face with plain water. Then take some cream and apply into your face. Gently rub your face and massage too. It give re-laxness and get re-leaf from unwanted ache. You can apply the face pack using your hand or facial brush. Always get high quality face brush. It gives smoothness while applying the face pack. Others will damage your face smoothness while appllying.

Then make your face to dry for few minutes. Generally let 15 to 20 minutes to dry. And make sure don't let them to dry well. You should take care and remove the face pack before its try well. Otherwise while removing it it will damage your facial smoothness.

Benefits of Yogurt:

 Lactic acid helps dissolve dead skin and tighten pores.

Benefits of Turmeric powder:

Anti-inflammatory qualities to reduce scarring.

STEP 3: Facial Pack 2

The next step am going to prepare 2nd facial pack. All the ingredients are very natural products.

For the making of facial pack we are going to take Oats 1 tablespoon. And also add 2 to 3 tablespoons of raw milk.

Mix them well . It is very useful to make your face bright and clean. Also it make your face very healthy. 

Then make your face to dry for few minutes. Generally let 15 to 20 minutes to dry. And make sure don't let them to dry well. You should take care and remove the face pack before its try well. Otherwise while removing it it will damage your facial smoothness.

Benefits of Oats: 

Folic acid and vitamin E and thiamine helps to control bacterial infections.

Benefits of milk:

 Lactic acid will help reduce pigmentation, heal dry skin, hydrate skin, heal acne and relive sunburn
